

Modsen questionnaire

Your expert opinion on AI integration

We truly appreciate your participation in our exclusive AI survey for professionals. Your valuable input will help us explore the impact of AI on businesses, and as a member of this select group, you’ll gain priority access to the results, offering actionable insights for your strategic decision-making. Please take a moment to provide us with some basic information that will help us understand your responses and keep you updated on our findings.


Questions and inputs marked with this sign * are required to be completed

  1. What is the general opinion in your professional environment on AI’s impact on businesses?*
  2. What aspects of AI scare or concern you the most?*
  3. Do you see potential benefits in integrating AI into your operations?*
  4. If you do not see potential benefits in integrating AI, what are your reasons?
  5. Are you ready to implement AI in your business?*
  6. If you are not ready to implement AI, what are the primary reasons?
  7. Have you experimented with AI in your business?*
  8. If you have experimented with AI, did you do it in-house or through a contractor?
  9. If you worked with a contractor, what factors were most important in your decision-making process?
  10. What do you believe are the major barriers businesses face when considering AI integration?
  11. What do you think motivates businesses to overcome these barriers and adopt AI solutions?
  12. What do you consider to be the most compelling use cases for AI in your industry?
  13. How do you envision AI impacting your business operations in the next 5 years?
  14. Do you have any additional thoughts or insights on AI integration in the business world?

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