CEO at modsenCEO at modsen

Ceo at modsen
about 2022 outcomes,
ambitious plans and
curious insights

The Holiday season is at its brightest right now and we’re here with a no less bright interview! Today we are shedding light on the life of Modsen team, its 2022 outcomes, New Year resolutions, ambitious plans, and curious insights uncovered by Gleb Terentev, CEO at Modsen. Enjoy the read!

Hi, Gleb! How’s it going so far? Thank you so much for setting aside some time for our talk, I know that it’s a hectic period for you and the company and that there are quite a few tasks waiting to be crossed out from the to-do list by the end of 2022.

Gleb: Hi! Thank you, I’m doing quite well. It’s always my pleasure to talk about Modsen’s progress, especially now, during the traditional time of summing up the results of the passing year.

Getting straight to the point: could you briefly characterize the outgoing year? Was it a difficult one for Modsen?

Gleb: You see, the situation that unfolded in 2022 has created a bunch of problems for the industry as a whole and for every market player in particular. The recent energy crisis, the political distress in Ukraine, the post-covid economic rebound, and fomented talks about the nearing global meltdown clearly haven’t contributed to the establishment of a favorable background for business development. But despite all odds, Modsen team has shown great results and continued to progress.

Interview with Modsen CEO

Before talking business, let’s discuss the in-house milestones of Modsen company. What can you say about the pace of our team’s growth and development this year?

Gleb: Well, alright, I’ve got a lot to say in this regard. In 2022 Modsen team has shown great results in a number of areas. First and foremost, our team has grown larger 2.5 times and the number of projects has doubled. We have opened up new software development directions and extended our expertise in several key domains. On top of that, Modsen company has expanded geographically. Our offices are now located in Poland, Belarus, and Georgia, while the geography of the projects we build covers almost 20 countries, including the EU, North America, and Asia.

Wow, sounds impressive. Judging by the active team expansion, should we wait for the opening of new offices in other countries?

Gleb: Certainly yes! We’re now working on opening several offices in Central Asia and Western Europe to be closer to our customers, strengthen Modsen team with engineers from other states, and deepen our in-house expertise in the top-priority domains.

I’m sure everything will work out the way you want. That’s extremely awesome! How would you evaluate the team formation process and the atmosphere inside of it? Can you say that Modsen is truly a family?

Gleb: Family is just the exact word that comes to my mind when I think about Modsen. Our company unites creative and professional people, who care about what we do. The atmosphere we uphold is really family-like, driven by the spirit of meritocracy and mutual help. At least, that’s what I see and hear from our employees.

Despite unprecedented growth in 2022, the integration of new specialists into our team was smooth and seamless, as the recruitment at our company is a multilevel competence-testing process, during which we assess the compliance of a candidate with our 5 core values: professionalism, development, improvement, creativity, and culture.

That’s why at Modsen we’ve got a healthy and inspiring ambiance, conducive to greater achievements.

Modsen CEO

I guess that corporate parties and events do their part. As a witness of the most recent ones, I can say that they’re truly unforgettable.

Gleb: Oh God, Modsen corporate parties are really something! I love getting together with our huge team to celebrate collective achievements and go a little crazy. And the further it goes, the better it gets!

Such a tight-knit team and excellent process approach in general clearly leads to effective business results. Has Modsen managed to make a leap in this direction? Any new markets? Interesting customers?

Gleb: That’s absolutely right! The cohesive work of our team and systematic approach to internal processes result in incredible outcomes.

By the end of 2022, Modsen company has become an international team of 160 top- tier professionals located in more than 10 countries around the world.

As for our customers, the geography has extended significantly - we’ve strengthened our positions in the key regions of the EU and in North America and begun to closely cooperate with the Asian market.

Again, sounds great. I’m sure new ambitious projects, directions, and business domains popped up as well?

Gleb: Yes, for sure. We’ve been actively working with FinTech - one of our core industries. Closer to the end of 2022, our team has launched a number of new banking projects for European and Asian markets, incorporating Blockchain, Big data, and AI elements.

As for uncovering new domains, this year we’ve delved into AdTech. For instance, now we are actively working and planning to build up cooperation with the only German company that provides a system of vacancy management to simplify the recruitment process of any business. In offers the improvement of vacancy promotion, increasing the number of responses, and conducting advanced analytics of employees` reactions to the vacancies displayed.

Such intensive business growth must be impossible to maintain without implementing new technologies and tools. What tech trends have gained momentum this year?

Gleb: I totally agree. To uphold intensive growth rates, it’s important to be agile and adaptive. Quick transformation according to market requirements is one of the key characteristics of Modsen. For example, in 2022 we opened up a .Net department based on our customers’ new service needs. Today it encompasses 30 engineers enjoying an extensive .NET tech stack and Big data expertise.

Apart from that, 2022 has also seen the emergence of a new Python department aimed at the active development of ML direction. In general, 2022 was a year of growth for all Modsen divisions, including JS, Java, and mobile development.

Terentev Gleb

What about Modsen resolutions for 2023? Specialists of which domain will strengthen our team in the upcoming year?

Gleb: We plan to deepen our cross-industry expertise in 2023. Modsen wants to be closer to our clients and assist them in tackling their business issues by providing cost-effective solutions based on our solid tech and domain competence. Besides, we seek to integrate Big data, Machine Learning and AI more widely across all of our projects.

Next year our team will be taking on big data engineers, architects, business analysts, system analysts, and delivery managers. So you’re welcome everyone, stay tuned to Modsen updates!

Motivation and tech expertise combo looks effective. Can we uncover some of the key points of Modsen partnership? Have you managed to create impeccable cooperation terms?

Gleb: We treat each of our partners individually. The main idea is to keep the customer’s business up and running. It has to be effective, agile, and competitive. Besides, the businesses we work with are mostly innovative, which puts additional responsibility on us regarding the software development timing, accurate process structuring, transparency, and especially, communication.

It’s important for us to figure out our client’s business tasks to have a clear understanding of what this or that software part is needed for and why we anticipate certain user behavior. Such an approach allows us to provide Modsen partners with the most suitable solutions through lively discussions of ideas and insights. Only when communication and interaction are well-established a true partnership can be born. And from my perspective, Modsen has mastered this crucial aspect.

Well, thank you very much for such a frank response. These points are significant for the effective project development of both parties.

Gleb: Honesty is the most suitable word when discussing partnership cooperation topic.

Gleb, are you ready for a more philosophical, global question?

Gleb: May Ilon Mask’s twitter help me out with this one.

What can you say about the short-term perspectives of the IT community development as a whole and what is the goal (or aim) of Modsen company’s participation in this process?

Gleb: Well, well, well…That really is a global question worthy of a separate interview.

I’ll take you up on that.

Gleb: I will take the liberty to answer globally to that global question of yours: the key goal of the development and dominant idea of the IT industry as a whole and any engineer, in particular, is to improve the quality of people’s lives on the planet. In fact, upgrading the level of comfort, decreasing the consumption of resources and sustainable development are the tasks IT products aim to solve.

The role of Modsen company here is to make every product that comes to our hands as useful and efficient for people as possible.

CEO at Modsen

Hard to disagree, it’s really important. So it turns out that influencing the IT industry development is within our power?

Gleb: Absolutely. Each of our projects, I’d even say each line of code we write, has an impact on the direction of the industry development. That’s why it’s important to ask yourself “is it the most effective solution?” and “how can we improve it?”. And if every engineer takes this approach, we’ll all win!

Let’s make it happen! Gleb, I thank you for such an amusing and honest talk. It was a pleasure.

Gleb: Thank you for your thought-provoking questions as well!

And now it’s time to make wishes. What would you like to wish our team, partners, and all of Modsen blog readers in the upcoming year?

Gleb: I wish all of you to achieve your personal and business goals in 2023. May all the success, happiness, and joy be yours in the upcoming year! And I’d also ask everyone to remember that we are all part of one whole. We can conquer new heights only together; working alone we’ll be, at least, moving slowly, or we’ll be unable to make a step at all.

Happy Holidays everyone!


Well, I can’t but join the kind wishes. Thank you again and happy holidays to you!

Gleb: Thank you!


Despite all the predicaments the outgoing year has created, Modsen team, managed to turn the situation to its benefit and boost the company’s qualitative and quantitative growth. In a couple of days, 2023 will knock at our doors, opening up a brand new chapter. Make sure to enter it with reliable partners and far-reaching ambitious plans.

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