Modsen's English-speaking club

Reconnecting and Reflecting: Modsen's English Speaking Clubs

In April, Modsen held two corporate English-speaking clubs in two different cities. It was a refreshing change for the team to meet in person, especially since most of the team members are working from home.

Modsen team

The discussions in the English-speaking club were insightful and thought-provoking. The topic of burnout was touched upon to allow the participants to share their personal experiences and strategies for managing stress and preventing emotional exhaustion. It was a great opportunity to learn from each other and grow both personally and professionally.

English lessons

The topic of cancel culture sparked a lively discussion amongst Modsen team members too. Some supported the idea of canceling individuals or companies based on their behavior, while others were concerned about its potential to lead to mob justice and canceling people for minor offenses.

English-speaking club participants

After the session, the English-speaking club participants enjoyed delicious pizza, which was the perfect way to end the day. Overall, the event was a great experience, providing an opportunity for Modsen team members to connect and discuss topics relevant and important in today's society. It was a much-needed break from the monotony of working from home, that left our team members refreshed and energized.

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