Python success
What’s behind all the hype about Python? Uncovering the reasons for unprecedented success

Here’s a simple riddle for you to solve: What language is more popular among French students than their own mother tongue? The same one outrun Kim Kardashian on Google search and inspired Tim Powers to write a poem dedicated to it. The last clue: the majority of this code users are younger than the language itself.

Clearly, it’s all about the renowned Python framework that has been gaining momentum with mind-boggling speed during the last couple of years. There’s hardly a person who hasn’t heard of the “snake-associated” coding language at least once in a lifetime. But what makes it so special to continuously top the most prestigious ratings and indexes and stay a love object for millions of developer engineers around the globe? Let’s delve right into it.

Back to the origins

They say, “two heads are better than one” but in the case of Python creation, one head was just enough. Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer, started developing the new coding language in 1989 to keep himself occupied during pre-Christmas week. After a year, Python was ready to conquer the world. For sure, Guido didn’t create all the components and libraries on his own - for that we give credit to a huge community of Python developers and contributors who shaped it into the programming language we all enjoy today.

Python’s trump cards

Python’s trump cards

According to the TIOBE index and, Python topped the list of the most-used coding languages in the world in 2022 and is projected to stick to the 1st place in the ongoing year. Here are the solid reasons for such bold predictions.

Intuitive and beginner-friendly

Python was initially built as a language that would be easily understandable by anyone who knows plain English. Due to that, Python development is accessible to any beginner regardless of age or level of education. The focus on natural language use is perfect for mastering the code on your own within a relatively short period of time and uncovering the unlimited opportunities it has to offer.

Python software engineer

Among a multitude of Python benefits, I’d name the low entry threshold due to intuitive and elegant syntax and immense community support due to which no one is left without help

Andrei L.,

Python software engineer at Modsen

Solid community

The active community of Python developers and enthusiasts has played a key role in improving the framework and helping it reach impressive heights. The coding language has been in use for over 30 years now and in 2022 it reached the size of almost 16 million people who contribute to the enhancement of Python and help each other master it along the way.

Simple but mighty

In the case of Python, “simple” doesn’t mean “slow” or “inefficient”. This easy-to-learn language is also one of the most powerful multi-paradigm tools for general-purpose programming. Python application includes mobile and desktop software development, web apps, hardware programming, and more.

Modsen CTO

Python is simple and understandable from the point of view of its syntax, yet portable, versatile and powerful to be used on any OS to achieve amazing results.

Slava Ovchinnikov,

CTO at Modsen

Supported by the top

Each major coding language is backed by at least one powerful corporate supporter that helps the framework grow faster and become more versatile and efficient. Python is lucky to have Facebook, Amazon Web Services, and Google among its contributors, which means that it’s destined to evolve and maintain its top positions in the upcoming future.

Extensive toolkit

Great documentation of the key Python libraries and frameworks is another major advantage of the language. An impressive set of tools eliminates the need to “reinvent the wheel” and allows developers to find ready-to-use solutions that have been already tested by other specialists, which speeds up the development process and makes it possible to work at high levels of abstraction.

Major Python application domains

Python application domains

Name any of the trending technologies or established IT branches of development and Python is sure to be actively leveraged there. Its multi-purpose and universal nature has made it an indispensable part of our everyday life even if we are not fully aware of that.

ML and AI

Python development opportunities, extensive libraries, great visualization, independence of the framework, community support, and ease of use made it one of the most preferable coding languages for machine learning and artificial intelligence. More than half of developers worldwide go for Python when developing AI and ML projects.

Desktop GUI

This programming language wouldn’t be an A-student if it couldn’t create beautiful desktop apps and graphical user interfaces. Simplicity coupled with the power of this coding language allows it to be equally impeccable at back and front-end development. A variety of exceptional Python GUI frameworks makes it possible to build great desktop interfaces in no time.

Data analytics and data visualization

Since a lot of data science-related tools have been developed in Python, it has become a key coding language for data analytics. Its capabilities allow businesses to uncover an immense amount of previously unseen data to optimize their workflow by identifying and improving vulnerable spots. As for the data visualization part, there is a number of Python libraries and packages aimed at building customizable, informative, and visually attractive plots for data representation.

Web development

Versatility of the language based on the simplicity of syntax makes it perfect for the creation of all types of apps including web ones. Powerful backend opportunities of Pyhton appeal to developers because of the streamlined time of web app writing and low energy input compared to working within other coding frameworks.

Game development

Apart from being used by professionals, Python is also a #1 tool for game-building enthusiasts, especially for students. That’s how game development has become one of the most popular frameworks for creating simple games or prototypes swiftly and efficiently.

Mobile app development

In terms of platform support, Python literally has no limits which allows it to build successful top-ranking mobile apps for iOS, Android, Windows, etc. Besides, the language is perfect for creating MVPs to try out new app ideas.

Embedded systems

Python is said to be the best programming language for creating apps for embedded systems. Reasons for that include its renowned syntax simplicity, code readability, multi-paradigm nature, a multitude of libraries, and high speed on microcontrollers.

Python software engineer

I would say that Python is perfect for startups and those projects that require to make a new project work within the shortest time possible.

Andrei L.,

Python software engineer at Modsen

How to spot a reliable Python software development vendor

Python software development vendor

A huge number of Python developers doesn’t imply that if you point at anyone, you are sure to find a true professional. However, it’s not that complicated to end up with a high-end Python development team if you know the key green flags to look for.

  • Test the level of expertise yourself
    Go for a software development company that is sure of the competence and experience of its engineers and is not afraid to allow clients to prove it once again. At Modsen we focus on creating an impeccable atmosphere where our partners can let their hair down being 100% certain of the level of expertise of their Python project team.
  • Enquire a guaranteed trial period
    Make sure the vendor you’re going to cooperate with can offer you a trial period to see if the team fits your project. Sometimes alterations are needed to provide the maximum outcome and the test period is the right time to do so without stalling the development process in the future.
  • Check out nominations and ratings
    Companies with outstanding Python development skills never go unchecked by top industry ratings. Make sure your vendor has got some awards proving its top-notch expertise and guaranteeing impeccable results.

The final thought

Modsen Python software engineers have been developing cutting-edge solutions for our partners for over 8 years now and after all these years we’re still in love with this coding language. Ease of use, versatility, flexibility, speed, and power rightfully make it #1 in the world. Let Python help you bring your software project ideas to life and give your business a quality boost in no time.

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