Modsen Tech Talks
Modsen Design Studio Tech Talks

Our team continues to flourish by conducting lectures as a part of Modsen Tech Talks. Next on the line is the launch of both informative and visually engaging presentations providing unique educational experience by Modsen Design Studio experts.

Figma plugins

Our design specialists have successfully shed light on the important aspects concerning utilizing Figma, an online service for designing and prototyping. Here, we explore new possibilities, trends and service tools that effectively aid in creating a user-friendly interface for our clients’ apps. Of course we couldn’t pass by 3D and motion design, which are one of our all-time favorite and strongest directions of development.

AI design

Topics concerning AI tools are now must-have for Design Studio experts. We closely monitor the development of technologies and tools within this concept and have successfully utilized them.

AI design tools

Our strong-knit designers team is picking up speed and rapidly developing this concept keeping pace with other Modsen’s departments. They have already obtained valuable design development experience across 8 different business domains. The case studies featured in the Modsen Portfolio best demonstrate our design team’s exceptional professionalism and skills. We are looking forward to creating an appealing and impactful interface for your app that drives sales.

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