ERP, or enterprise resource planning, is a special software solution that enables your essential business processes to be managed and integrated in one centralized system. Such processes include finances, supply chains, human resources and manufacturing. ERP systems are like a treasure not only for large companies, but also for a lot of startups. And that is due to its easy implementation of such solutions, as well as the vast variety of ERP consulting, development and software services and apps available for the most prominent companies. But now you may ask: why should we consider the implementation of enterprise resource planning specifically for our business? Well, what if we tell you that there is an untapped potential in the enterprise planning resources systems that you surely missed? In this article, we will dive into the realm of ERP to reveal the benefits of such systems, its variations to match exactly your business and the methods of successful implementation.
Some of you will be surprised by the fact that such systems had already appeared in the 1960s. One of the most effective one’s was MRP (material requirements planning) developed by Joseph Orlicky. The main tasks of such a solution were to arrange and distribute raw and working materials. And even despite its hard-wielding features and the slow pace of data processing, this version was actively used by companies until the release of MRP II in 1983. A new generation of software has made it possible to expand the list of tasks performed. MRP has acquired a modular character, which made it possible to include tasks such as specification, procurement, contract management and costs planning. At its core, MRP can be considered the grandfather of the modern ERP system.
ERP systems offer companies powerful tools to achieve their goals quickly, efficiently, and reliably. But what specific tasks can these solutions handle, and how do they work their magic? Let’s explore.
First things first – different companies require completely different ERP solutions. There are three different types of enterprise resource planning systems, and we will underline the most prominent one’s.
The process of creating and implementing ERP systems can be time-consuming. Nevertheless, based on the experiences of numerous large companies, the adoption of enterprise resource planning solutions is undoubtedly worthwhile. To effectively address the unique demands of your business, many companies opt for custom ERP systems due to their flexibility and adaptability over time. In this guide, we will present a step-by-step approach to successfully and efficiently launch your own ERP system.
Your first step will be to find the most suitable solution for you. To do this, we recommend you to gather a team to effectively distribute roles for the implementation of your ERP. The following roles should be considered: project manager, executive sponsor, senior staff, and IT consultant (if required). One of the main workflows at this stage is the development of requirements related to the ERP, the current budget, and the analysis of implementation options. In most cases, the work during the initial stage of introducing an ERP system goes quite smoothly. However, those companies with prior experience in handling and implementing enterprise resource planning systems will pass this phase a little bit faster.
The next step is designing your ERP system. To ensure an effective design for your solution, it is beneficial for ERP developers to consider the strengths of the enterprise resource planning type you are going to use, as well as involving direct users. Additionally, having a back-up UX designer, as well as solution architect will definitely play in your favor. Setting out this strategy will help to identify shortcomings of the chosen variant of ERP solution at an early stage, as well as introduce new workflows that will be much more comfortable to work with.
And now, the process of creation itself begins. With all the requirements, strengths and shortcomings taken into consideration, your developers team can finally begin to build your very own ERP system. Different solution’s options you have chosen will require different approaches for its further development. For instance, in the case of on-premise enterprise resource planning, an additional software for data transfer will be needed, while with cloud-based it will be sufficient to configure the available information for successful transfer. It is also worth testing the solution at this stage of development. This will help to identify the maximum performance of ERP software, some possible gaps and also check for the correctly transferred information.
The last step to the final implementation of your custom ERP technology in your business. This can also be called a control test. At this stage, the operability is checked in the ERP system, as well as feedback from users is given for further steps to keep your fresh solution in shape. Your most important task in this phase will be identifying all the shortcomings, delivering feedback and maintaining communication with the developer of the solution for further updates. Gladly, when you choose cloud-based ERP, your developer will automatically keep your system up to date.
For your wishes to come true, you will need a reliable team to realize your solution. There are many options and each ERP developer offers unique solutions for a variety of businesses. Only those who have already dealt with ERP systems can easily choose developers for their software. Therefore, we present to you some factors that you should pay attention to when choosing a developer and team:
Not everyone will be able to curb complex technologies like ERP systems. However, when entrusted to capable hands, these solutions can truly unleash their potential. Full automation of data acquiring and processing offers significant value to a wide range of companies. Moreover, businesses have the opportunity to create a completely unique system tailored to their unique needs. It is the true experts in the field who will help to bring both their own and your aspirations to life.