Alive or doomed? Java as
a relevant coding
language providing extensive business opportunities

If you’ve been taking interest in the current state of software development, you’ve probably heard the rumors about Java and its alleged impending demise. Has this veteran coding language fallen victim to ageism or there are some obvious signs of Java`s decline? We’ve got the answers.

A brief insight into the history

A brief insight into the history

Developed by a team of researchers headed by James Gosling within Sun Microsystems, Java started a revolution in 1995 by proving interactivity to the WWW and introducing WORE (“write once, run anywhere”) concept to the world of software development. Within a short period of time, Java became the most advanced and thus most used coding language around the globe. As any great technology that has been in place for quite a bit of time, the language has seen both ups and downs but managed to stay afloat and increase its popularity. 2013 came as a new milestone for Java, becoming the development framework for Android Studio. In 2018 the language proved its relevance again by launching regular 6 months updates, making the platform more agile and ready to rock in spite of its age.

Java’s place in the industry

With the emergence of new rapidly growing computing languages, Java was projected to see its dawn. However, figures say quite the opposite. According to Statista, the platform takes 6th place among the most used coding languages, having 33% of the loyal developer audience. Its ability to withstand change and remain stable and reliable makes it the #1 choice of Fortune 500 companies when it comes to application development.

Where Java finds application

Where Java finds application

Versatility, independence, and security have made Java a major go-to for companies of all sizes and business industries. Over the years, it has become omnipresent, having no industry-related constraints when backing software.


All kinds of modern financial institutions rely heavily on Java-based software to provide customers with unmatched money management experience. Contactless payments, embedded financial services, and e-wallets, automated banking and accounting are here because of Java.


Digitization of a variety of healthcare services and systems owes much to Java as well. Electronic prescriptions, doctor’s appointments, patient record management, fitness, and health apps - Java enables all of these.


E-commerce has been flourishing in recent decades and it’s not happening without Java. This coding language is widely used for creating solid tools like logistics and management systems, retail platforms, etc. that make commerce look as we see it now.


Software-backed production has become a must for the manufacturing industry. Apps are now capable of monitoring the safety of the working environment, product quality, supply chain state, and an array of other parameters. And Java is responsible for the development of such software.


The way people study today has changed tremendously due to the emergence of educational apps and platforms that make the process more agile and effective. Using Java, both businesses and educational institutions can leverage the potential of e-teaching and learning.

Top Java use-cases

Top Java use-cases

Java has come a long and bumpy way to become one of the main powerhouses of the digital world surrounding us today. This programming language finds its application in the most in-demand software development domains.

Backend app development

If you’re looking for a perfect language for building rock-solid and secure server-side that will ensure smooth front-end running, go for Java. Being non-depended on a certain OS, the language enables you to develop apps for any operating system out there without the need to write the code for another platform from scratch all over again.

Mobile app development

The ability of a programming language to develop a single code massive that could be used for a variety of platforms is the new must for mobile app development. Due to the independent nature of Java, it’s just perfect for cross-platform mobile app development.

Cloud app development

The vast majority of developers prefer using Java to build cloud-based apps known for their smooth and seamless performance due to the independent nature, agility, security, and versatility of the language.

Web app development

From its inception, Java was used as a tool for web app development. It allows for building interactive, dynamic, yet simple and navigable web applications within a short period of time.

AI and IoT project development

To dispel any doubts about Java being outdated it’d be enough to mention that it’s the language used for the development of ML, AI, and IoT solutions. Its scalability, flexibility, and capacity to run on all-size computers make it a key go-to for supporting innovative technologies.

Big Data project development

Being oriented on processing large amounts of data for enterprise-scale companies and Java appears to work incredibly well for big data engineering, enjoying memory-optimization features.

Why build your project with Java

Why build your project with Java

To top it with cherry, we’ve compiled a list of Java benefits you’ll experience regardless of the project idea you’re looking to implement.


The “Write Once Run Anywhere” concept also known as “cross-platform” software development was invented by Java which implies that anything you might build using this language will be compatible with other environments.

Highly productive

Single-threading and efficient memory management allow the platform to show unmatched productivity and boost business software performance by integrating Java-based features.


Ease of use and high velocity of the language enables developers to streamline the development process, cutting the time and resources required. Besides, you’ll save costs on launching the same app on other platforms without rewriting the code.


Since Java is used across industries for a variety of purposes, it must be capable of providing the required functionality for all kinds of applications. That’s why Java supports an array of libraries containing millions of features, APIs, IDEs as well as problem-solving frameworks.


Java differs from the majority of other languages as it is based on bytecode which can be developed once and then automatically converted into the code supported by a particular platform or system.

Testing- and debugging-friendly

The indescribable amount of time engineers spend on testing and debugging is not an issue for Java developers. Within the platform, code lines are tested one by one to simplify bug identification and correction.


Security is what Java is most praised for. Businesses of all sizes are now extremely concerned with data protection and the development of advanced security features. In this regard, there’s probably no ecosystem more agile, proactive, and inventive than Java with all its scope of tools, libraries, and frameworks.

Eugene Kalugin

Wrapping up

The opportunities of Java language are immense. From simple web app building to developing ML training algorithms and supporting neural networks. Such a scope of potential can never become irrelevant - so going forward is the only possible movement direction for Java.

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