IoT application for retailers

IoT platform


Remote control of devices in retail stores.


Modern IoT platform for remote control of the equipment and its operating systems.

Tech stack

React, React Native, Java, AWS
(S3, CloudFront, EC2, RDS, SNS, SQS).


A large American retailer engaged in food and vital goods trading. The client’s retail chain includes 78 offline stores across the country.


The client had problems with controlling store equipment temperature during storage. The system they already had put the food quality at risk and brought on heavy expenses on the equipment maintenance and electricity. The company needed a corporate solution that would allow them to collect, analyze, control, and operate the equipment systems in their retail stores. Also, the solution had to ensure:

  • alerts about critical values of the specific equipment in the specific stores using a smart algorithm
  • processing and standardization of large data amounts
  • management and control of the information from all stores in a single center
  • due regard for special characteristics, shelf life, and types of the goods stored
  • real-time storage conditions tracking and quick notification setup for devices


Before the project started, we had to do a detailed research of the business processes related to the topic.

We analyzed all key scenarios that negatively affected the qualityof the food storage and caused rapid wearout and inefficient use ofequipment.

We took into consideration all problem issues of the client’s existing system and developed a functional IoT platform with the following capabilities:

  • quick tuneup of equipment settings based on reliable forecast of possible errors
  • up-to-date technical functionality, implementation of the platform in all retail stores, ability to process large data amounts
  • remote control, notification processing, and equipment operation adjustment in one store
  • processing and demonstration of the information about the goods stored, stock balance, and nearest arrivals for planning adjustments in the equipment operation
  • fast data processing, systematized notification and signaling process for equipment failures that have occurred or are expected to occur
Custom IoT platform


Currently, the client has integrated the platform in all their retail stores. The software is ready to be upscaled and connect new stores and operating systems. The client achieved:

  • a significant reduction in the amount of spoiled food
  • less equipment failures; repair requests has decreased by more than 76% over the reporting period
  • budget optimization as a result of lower electricity expenses
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